Mirna Džamonja, Ivan Tomašić. Graphons arising from graphs definable over finite fields.
Marek Cúth, Michal Doucha, Ondřej Kurka. Complexity of distances: Theory of generalized analytic equivalence relations.
Ivan Di Liberti, Fosco Loregian. Accessibility and presentability in 2-categories.
Tristan Bice. Distance Domains: Continuity.
Tristan Bice, Charles Starling. Locally Hausdorff Tight Groupoids Generalised.
Tristan Bice, Lisa Orloff Clark. Reconstructing Etale Groupoids from Semigroups.
Tristan Bice, Wiesław Kubiś. Wallman Duality for Semilattice Subbases.
Tristan Bice. Grätzer-Hofmann-Lawson-Jung-Sünderhauf Duality.
Catalin Badea, Vladimir Müller, Laurian Suciu. High order isometric liftings and dilations.
Marek Cúth, Michal Doucha, Ondřej Kurka. Complexity of distances: Reductions of distances between metric and Banach spaces.
Tristan Bice, Wieslaw Kubis. Priestley-Stone Duality for Subbases of Stably Locally Compact Spaces.
Vladimir Muller. Invariant half-spaces for rank-one perturbations.
Fernando Albiac, Jose L. Ansorena, Marek Cuth, Michal Doucha. Structure of the Lipschitz free p-spaces \( \mathcal{F}_p(\mathbb{Z}^d) \) and \( \mathcal{F}_p(\mathbb{R}^d) \) for \( 0 < p \leq 1 \).
Ziemowit Kostana. Cohen-like first order structures.
Ivan Di Liberti, Jiří Rosický. Enriched Locally Generated Categories.
Ivan Di Liberti. Formal Model Theory & Higher Topology.
Vladimir Müller, Yuri Tomilov. On interplay between operators, bases, and matrices
Vladimir Müller, Yuri Tomilov. In search of convexity: diagonals and numerical ranges
Tristan Bice. Representing Semigroups on Etale Groupoid Bundles.
Fernando Albiac, Jose L. Ansorena, Marek Cuth, Michal Doucha. Lipschitz algebras and Lipschitz-free spaces over unbounded metric spaces
Mirna Džamonja. Are all natural numbers the same.
Mirna Džamonja. Multiverse and the Society.
Mirna Džamonja, Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki, Lawrence C. Paulson. Formalising Ordinal Partition Relations Using Isabelle/HOL
Tristan Bice. Representing Rings on Ringoid Bundles.
Ziemowit Kostana. What would the rational Urysohn space and the random graph look like if they were uncountable?
Ziemowit Kostana, Saharon Shelah. The Slicing Axioms.
Ivan Di Liberti, Julia Ramos González. Exponentiable Grothendieck categories in flat Algebraic Geometry.
Tristan Bice. Dauns-Hofmann-Kumjian-Renault Duality for Fell Bundles and Structured \( C^*\)-Algebras.
Wiesław Kubiś, Paulina Radecka. Abstract evolution systems.
Adam Bartoš, Tristan Bice, Keegan Dasilva Barbosa, Wiesław Kubiś. The weak Ramsey property and extreme amenability.